God has placed us in a universe in which creativity can flourish. A virtually limitless palette to draw from as we go beyond imagination.
But due to a variety of factors, our creative output sometimes declines. What detours can you take around roadblocks to improve your creative quality and quantity?
Here are some questions you can use for self-coaching. To get the most out of the questions, be sure to either write down your answers or have a friend ask you.
Share your thoughts in the comments section or contact me directly.
It may be that you’ve tapped your creative well and there’s not much left.
What steps can you take to refill your creative well?
Another cause may be that you’ve become successful, and your hunger has been satiated.
How can you keep your edge?
Sometimes your internal fears and insecurities overwhelm you. Your wounds prove to be too much. You wind up in addiction or self-sabotage.
Identify one step you can take today to move forward.
Maybe you’re burned out – emotionally, physically, spiritually.
What creative activities give you energy? How are you building rest into your schedule?
Perhaps one of the biggest factors is you’ve had a falling out with your collaborative partners.
How can the fences be mended? If they can’t be mended, what other creatives can you collaborate with?
Be careful of the effects of sin in your life. Sin is and will be a deconstructive, anti-creative force in your life.
How have you seen this in your life? How can you address it?
Bonus question: What other roadblocks have you experienced, and how did you address yours?